Arbor's CO₂eCarbon Equivalent Calculator

Arbor’s Carbon Equivalent Calculator makes understanding your carbon footprint easy. Convert any CO2e amount into relatable, real-world equivalents.

Arbor's Carbon 101 glossary simplifies complex carbon terms, acronyms, and frameworks in the sustainability industry. Covering key carbon and climate terms, this glossary provides you with all the definitions needed to become a carbon expert.
Carbon Equivalent Calculator Tool by Arbor

Carbon Equivalent Calculator

Real-world equivalents from an amount of CO₂e.
kg CO₂e
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Please enter a number between 0.01 and 1,000,000
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Use of the Carbon Equivalent Calculator is subject to Arbor's User TermsandDisclaimer of Liability

Carbon Equivalent Calculator

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kg CO₂e
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Please enter a number between 0.01 and 1,000,000

# kg CO₂e is equivalent to

# days

of carbon consumption for 1 tree
Assuming a pine tree in British Columbia, Canada, in a temperate humid climate, from OneTreePlanted.

# km

driven in a gasoline car
Assuming an internal combustion engine in a Canadian vehicle from Natural Resources Canada.

# hours

of a home’s power usage
Using Arbor’s grid emission factor for Alberta, assuming a typical home consumes 7200 kWh/year fromEnergyRates.

# charges

of the average smartphone
Assuming a smartphone charges on the U.S. grid at 0.019 kWh/charge from the EPA.

# flights

from Los Angeles to New York
Assuming a flight is from LAX to JFK, from  Carbon Footprint.

# kg

of plastic waste treatment
Assuming generic plastic waste treated via municipal incineration, from  OMNI Calculator.
Use of the Carbon Equivalent Calculator is subject to Arbor's User TermsandDisclaimer of Liability

Relate to your emissions

The calculator translates complex data into everyday actions, helping you relate to and better understand your emissions.

Make informed choices

By seeing your carbon footprint in real terms, you can make informed choices about reducing your environmental impact.

Free to use & install

It's free to use and install, making it easy to educate others about carbon impact, subject to Arbor's terms.

About Arbor's Carbon Equivalent Calculator